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이탈리아 국립대 석사 지원하기 (9)_다음 진행에 대한 이메일

5. 유럽 생활 정보/이탈리아 유학

by Andrea. 2019. 12. 9. 06:35




이탈리아의 로마 대학, 토리노 공대, 베네치아 대학, 여러 콘서바토리오 등이 많은데 그중에서도 제 경험을 중심으로 밀라노공대를 예로 삼아 포스팅이 진행됩니다. 그러나 다른 대학도 크게 다르지 않을 것입니다. 이탈리아에는 명성이 자자한 국립대들이 즐비합니다. 그중에서도 음악, 건축 등 몇가지 분야는 이탈리아 교육부에서 입학에서부터 별도로 따로 관리하고 있을 정도입니다. 유학 결심에서부터 밀라노공대 합격까지의 여정을 정리했으니 큰 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.

밀라노공대로 부터 다음 진행에 대한 안내 메일이 왔네요. 어렵지 않은 영어니 꼼꼼히 읽어보시구요. 저는 필요한 사항만 녹색으로 간단히 올리겠습니다.


[Please, read our e-mails from top to bottom and check the links provided, we are not going to reply on issues handled already or fully explained online]

끝까지 꼼꼼히 읽으세요

Dear Student,

친애하는 학생들에게

The Academic Calendar will soon be online. Meanwhile, here are the deadlines to bear in mind, regarding the enrollment:

학기시간표가 곧 온라인에 뜰거다 여기 등록에 관한 기간을 공지한다.

ENGINEERING courses: from September, 16th to October, 4th. ARCHITECTURE courses: from September, 16th to September, 25th.

건축 코스는 9월 16일 ~ 9월 25일 사이에 수강신청을 한다.

According to these deadlines, the Welcome Week will probably start on Monday, September 23rd (scholarship students will have a separate starting date).

신입생 환영행사는 9월 23일이다(장학생들은 다른 날짜일 것이다)

The detailed program will be provided in the following weeks. For that reason, we would suggest you to be here around September, 20th. Please consider that, although it is not compulsory to take part in the Welcome Week, participation is strongly recommended. Classes are starting on October, 7th.

개강은 10월 7일이다.



팁과 제안

The aim of the Welcome Week is to provide students with all the information they need in order to start their career at best. Not only there will be seminars about residence permit, health insurance, university services and life in Milano, but you will also have the chance to meet new fellows from all other the world and enjoy unique experiences, so please do your best in order to be there. It would be definitely better, for instance, if you could manage to have an accommodation before your arrival so that you can settle down before the Welcome Week.

환영행사에서는 여러 정보 및 당신이 친구를 사귈 수 있는 절호의 기회이다.




As you may have seen already, the DSU Scholarships Call for grant (also known as “Bando”) is now available online. Unfortunately it is available in Italian only, at the moment, but it is in the process of being translated and will soon be available also in English (it’s a matter of days). As promised, a specific presentation on DSU Scholarships will be realized by the DSU office and uploaded as soon as possible (please consider the deadline to apply for the DSU scholarships is September, 2nd, therefore you still have a lot of time). After checking the “bando” and the presentation (as soon as available), should you need further clarifications, please address yourself to: dirittoallostudio@polimi.it. Please notice our colleagues from the DSU office deal with all kind of applicants, first year and following years ones, as well as Italian and international ones, and that’s why they probably won’t be able to reply on a daily basis.

이미 지원했을 지 모르겠지만 이 장학금은 온라인으로 접수가능하고 불행하게도 지금은 이태리어로만 인터넷에 소개되어 있는데 조만간 영어버전이 올라올 것이다. 자세한 사항은 dsu 단체가 주관할 것이고 곧 공지가 업로드 될 것이다. 지원의 마감일자는 9월 2일이다 그러니 당신은 아직 시간적 여유가 많다. 곧 올라온 공지를 확인한 후 당신은 더 정확히 알고 싶으면 dirittoallostudio@polimi.it로 문의하라. 등등


입학금 납부

The amount of the Administrative Fee has changed, due to an increase on government stamp duty. Therefore, the updated amount is 185.58€ (one hundred eighty-five euro and fifty eight cent). Students admitted on the first semester must pay the administrative fee within July 10th, 2013, either by credit card or by bank transfer through their online account (administrative fee section). Students who have already paid the administrative fees before June 26th, 2013 are not subject to the increase. If you cannot pay the administrative fee within the deadline, you can pay it upon enrollment. Please notice, however, that in that case you won’t be included in the next communications’ recipients list.

입학금이 소폭 상승했다. 6월 26일 이전에 이미 납부한 신입생들은 상관없다.




Next Academic Year’s tuition fees are not available yet. Nevertheless, please check carefully the website for the current year’s tuition fees, since they are not going to change a lot in the future.

등록금은 올해 예산이 아직 산정도지 않았다. 하지만 작년과 별차이 없을 것이므로 작년 것을 참고하라.



나머지 지원서류와 기타 서류 준비

Please do not send your documents here by e-mail. Also notice we are not going to issue accommodation letters or other kind of papers asked by the Embassy/Consulate in your Country, since the letter sent by the Admissions Office and the admission letter available in your profile are enough to have the visa. we are going to gather all your documents during a specific seminar within the Welcome Week. Please make sure you have with you a copy of your passport, a copy of your visa (non-EU students only) and a copy of your fiscal code as well. We will also check the original language certificate, so please bring it with it. Please check carefully the necessary documents on this link: http://www.polinternational.polimi.it/why-and-how/why/prospective-students/requirements-admission-benefits/master-of-science/what-to-do-once-admitted/ 

대사관에서 인정한 서류들을 돌려받고 환영행사에 참석하여 제출하여라. 추가로 여권사본과 비자 카피본, 코디체 피스칼레 복사본, 원본 언어성적증명서,를 가지고 오라. 자세한 사항은 링크를 참고하라.


Best regards,

International Students Office - Bovisa Campus

Area Servizi agli Studenti e ai Dottorandi

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